Are you looking for approval from another person?
Do you feel controlled or manipulated by others?
Do you find yourself compromising your own values, choices and behaviors?
Do you worry about how much someone drinks?
Do you live with the thought of not being good enough?
Are you in a relationship with individuals who are needy?
Do you feel responsible for the feelings, actions and choices of those around you?
Do you "give in" to boundaries you previously set?
Do you feel controlled or manipulated by others?
Do you find yourself compromising your own values, choices and behaviors?
Do you worry about how much someone drinks?
Do you live with the thought of not being good enough?
Are you in a relationship with individuals who are needy?
Do you feel responsible for the feelings, actions and choices of those around you?
Do you "give in" to boundaries you previously set?
Codependency is when a person's need for approval or validation from another person allows them to be controlled or manipulated. They are willing to compromise their own values, choices, and behavior at the expense of their personal well-being. Answering yes to any of the questions above might be a trigger for you to ask yourself if you are codependent and relying on someone else for your happiness, satisfaction, value, or self-worth.
Celebrate Recovery is here to help! Come join us and commit to working the 12 Steps, regularly attend meetings, and get accountability partners and a Sponsor to support your journey to freedom. Walking through the recovery process allows you to admit your powerlessness to control others. Leaning on and learning from others in the program will allow you to set boundaries and find the change you are seeking. Celebrate Recovery is a "large umbrella" 12 Step program to help a limitless number of issues. It is a biblical and balanced program effective in helping people overcome their hurts, hang-ups and habits. Many of the addiction issues we deal with include alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, sexual addiction and food addiction. We also deal with eating disorders, love and relationship addiction, co-dependency, and anger to name a few.