9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
FL Kids meet during FLC's weekend services. During this time we share Jesus in a creative and personal way. We strive to make this the best hour of your kid's week. We have services that meet at 9:00 and 10:30 in the Kids' wing at FLC.
First Time
Visit our Kids' Check-in Table where a volunteer will help you fill out information on your kid(s). Your information will be put into our system that will then print out a name tag for your child that has a security number on it. Another tag will be printed that matches your child's number. Keep that tag for when you pick up your kid. We will show you to your kid's room, introduce you to the teachers, and then see you after the service is over. When you pick up your child, show the tag number to the teacher to release your kiddo to you.
What to Expect
The Kids' wing opens 15 minutes before services start. The kids have their own worship, Bible story, time spent learning the month's memory verse, and small group time.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14