Are you looking for freedom from anger and toxic patterns of behavior?
Do you become impatient easily when things do not go according as planned?
Do you have critical thoughts toward others who don't agree with your opinions?
Do you feel frustrated when you see someone else having an "easier" time than you?
Are you irritated easily at those who refuse to admit their weaknesses?
Is it hard to forget when someone "does you wrong?"
Anger is one of our basic God-given emotions. This emotion can be constructive or destructive. When we lash out in anger, we are ignoring our fear, pain, or another deeper hurt, hang-up, or habit. Other times, we stuff it down and keep it silent, which can be just as damaging. All anger, if allowed to, will continue to destructively influence our behaviors and attitudes, and will eventually erupt from deep within the heart.
Celebrate Recovery is here to help! Come join us and commit to working the 12 Steps, regularly attend meetings, and get accountability partners and a Sponsor to support your journey to freedom. Walking through the recovery process allows you to admit your powerlessness to control your anger. Leaning on and learning from others in the program will allow you to overcome destructive habits. Freedom is possible!
Celebrate Recovery is a "large umbrella" 12 Step program to help a limitless number of issues. It is a biblical and balanced program effective in helping people overcome their hurts, hang-ups and habits. Many of the addiction issues we deal with include alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, sexual addiction and food addiction. We also deal with eating disorders, love and relationship addiction, co-dependency, and anger to name a few.