Physical/Sexual/Emotional Abuse
Are you looking for freedom and healing from the traumas in your past?
Are you looking for support to heal from the influence these past experiences continue to have on your present life?
Most survivors of physical abuse / sexual abuse / emotional abuse are hesitant to identify themselves as victims of abuse. They feel isolated, depressed, worthless or helpless to change. Ask yourself these questions. Do you feel angry, bitter and rebellious, or have trouble with authority figures? Do you struggle with "all or nothing thinking?" Do you want to have victory through Christ over the life experience of abuse?
Are you looking for support to heal from the influence these past experiences continue to have on your present life?
Most survivors of physical abuse / sexual abuse / emotional abuse are hesitant to identify themselves as victims of abuse. They feel isolated, depressed, worthless or helpless to change. Ask yourself these questions. Do you feel angry, bitter and rebellious, or have trouble with authority figures? Do you struggle with "all or nothing thinking?" Do you want to have victory through Christ over the life experience of abuse?
Recovery is a two-step process for victims of abuse. The first step is healing from the traumas done to us in our past, and the second step is healing from the influence these past experiences continue to have in our present lives.
Celebrate Recovery is here to help! Come join us and commit to working the 12 Steps, regularly attend meetings, and get accountability partners and a Sponsor to support your journey to healing. Walking through the recovery process allows you to admit your powerlessness to heal the damaged emotions resulting from your abuse. We look to God for the power to make us whole. We understand the people who abused us are responsible for the acts committed against us. We will NOT accept the guilt and shame resulting from those abusive acts.
Celebrate Recovery is a "large umbrella" 12 Step program to help a limitless number of issues. It is a biblical and balanced program effective in helping people overcome their hurts, hang-ups and habits. Many of the addiction issues we deal with include alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, sexual addiction and food addiction. We also deal with eating disorders, love and relationship addiction, co-dependency, and anger to name a few.